Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Son

“They could not seem to grasp that what mattered was what you did. Not what you said or thought about.”

This grand bold novel by Philip Meyer smacks of authenticity from the word go. Meyer took the pains to learn Comanche archery, walk the terrain he writes of, and taste raw buffalo liver. His experiential/research efforts loom large in this epic.

We follow a family from Comanche captive days to Texas Wildcatting. We are privy to the ins and outs of changing times and family squabbles. It reminds me in many ways of Edna Ferber’s sprawling works.

Being a bit of a Comanche-phile I was fascinated by the lore, but I must admit I found myself wandering here and there in the pages. My attention was rapt in the old days passages and a bit less so in the “modern” soap opera. But, that may just be this reader.

It is a very well-written novel, so the failing might well be mine that I didn’t fall down the large-epic rabbit hole that one feels when encountering McMurtry’s Lonesome Dove epic.

Friday, October 12, 2018

A Rough & Tumble Duel

Not all showdowns involved a weapon or had the tincture of muddy fun as one finds in the films The Spoilers or McLintock. I offer this glimpse of fact to illustrate.

The following is from The Sioux City Journal circa 1880s regarding a “Rough & Tumble Duel” that took place between two farmers, Duggan Points and Will Moss. At the heart of the duel, the charms of one, Miss Sallie Craig.

The vicious character of the duel is part and parcel of the rough and tumble tradition. I warn, the account is violent and the character of even witnessing such spectated murder is questionable.

Keep in mind, this was a planned for rough and tumble duel, the accounts of impromptu duels are far more dire.

“The place of the fight was agreed upon as halfway between the respective residents. A man from Loveland seconded Moss, and Point’s brother acted as his second. The fight was not to be conducted to any specified rules, but in the most approved rough-and-tumble style. About sixty people were on the ground, among whom was the girl over whom the contest was caused, to witness the brutal affair. The seconds stood with cocked revolvers in hand and warned no one to interfere. The men commenced fighting fiercely. They used fists, heels and teeth; and in clinching and tumbling about rolled over a large area of ground. The fight lasted fifty-five minutes, and throughout was of the most brutal character. It was brought to a fast conclusion by Points’ strength entirely giving way, and then Moss, with the last efforts of his madness, stamped upon his prostrate foe and crushed in his breast and kicked in his head. The spectators at this overpowered the seconds and dragged the men apart. Points was dying when picked up, and expired soon afterwards. Moss had been severely bitten by his antagonist, having had two fingers, an ear and his nose taken off, and was in a deplorable condition from other injuries.

The account does not offer if Miss Craig was happy with the outcome or impressed by the efforts in her favor.

[The above is research from my day job/avocation/vocation as a fight trainer and combat historian. If this intrigues have a look here or here.]

“I’ll Kill You Smiling, John Sevier” by Steve Frazee

  The sheriff's voice had lost his calmness. He was saying: “When you lay that money on a bar, don't it bother you, Moxon? Don't...