the row of long nickering horsefaces at the rail Smonk slid off the mule into
the sand and spat away his cigar stub and stood glaring among the animal shoulders
at his full height of five and a quarter foot. He told a filthy blonde boy
holding a balloon to watch the mule, which had an English saddle on its back
and an embroidered blanket from Bruges Belgium underneath. In a sheath stitched
to the saddle stood the polished butt of the Winchester rifle which, not half
an hour earlier, Smonk had dispatched four of an Irishman’s goats in their pen
because the only thing he abhorred more than an Irish was an Irish goat. By way
of brand the mule had a fresh .22 bullet hole through its left ear, same as
Smonk’s cows and pigs and hound dog did, even his cat.”

The full title of the novel is “Smonk or Widow Town Being the Scabrous Adventures of E.O. Smonk &
Of the Whore Evangeline In Clarke County, Alabama, Early in the Last Century…”
Glorious title, glorious language in the Charles
Portis True Grit vein, but I can’t
say much more without ruining it if you decide to read it.
If you have a hankering for some bad doin’s in a
squalid Alabama town at the turn of the last century, this is one bad wild wild
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