Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Pursued Starring Robert Mitchum


This 1947 film written by Niven Busch and directed by Raoul Walsh is considered the first noir Western, and indeed, it listed as such in Frant and Hodgkiss’s volume Renegade Westerns.

It has long been championed by Martin Scorsese who paid out of pocket for its restoration.

So, how is the film?

It is indeed dark, moody, flash-back filled, rife with Freudian overtones.

It has all the requisite ingredients of an urban noir film.

I found the flashbacks and Freudian pre-destination a bit much for my tastes but…it is not a bad film and the sleepy-eyed cool of Robert Mitchum makes all hum along at a brisk pace.

No A to my eye, but I lack the expertise of Mr. Scorsese, I would bet his side of the ledger over mine.

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Conflict [1936] Starring John Wayne

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