Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Hardest Ride

2 lbs dried pinto beans

 1/2-lb pork belly or 2 or 3 smoked ham hocks

 1/2-lb ham—diced

1/2-cup chorizo (Mexican sausage)—casing removed and crumbled

6 slices fried bacon—chopped or crumbled

5 roma tomatoes or 3 large slicing tomatoes—chopped

1 medium onion—chopped (delete or less if desired)

1/2-cup cilantro— finely chopped

4 cloves garlic—whole

6 jalapeño peppers—finely sliced (serrano peppers optional—hotter)

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 small green pepper—chopped (optional)

1 tomatillo (Mexican husk tomato)—chopped (optional)

Salt to taste (not much)  

And some folks are happy with a can of generic brand pork ’n’ beans, especially sad when you consider that back in Bud’s time, canned pork and beans were actually chock full of pork, not today’s single half-inch cube.

This award-winning Western from Gordon Rottman has heart. We follow a young cowboy and the growing relationship between himself and a mute Mexican girl.

The novel has its gritty side as well, when a cross-the-border kidnapping requires much of both protagonists. While not a classic, it is a solid read with the beating heart of the couple keeping it from standard genre fare.

The book makes much ado about the young lady’s cooking prowess, and the author is good enough to offer a recipe in the afterword. Give both the book and the beans a try, well worth your time.

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