Monday, February 27, 2023

Three Men from Texas starring William Boyd


Another from film critic, Ted Reinhart’s list of the “Western Series Stars and Their Career Best Movie.”

This 1940 Hopalong Cassidy feature is my first Hopalong and, I must say, I’m impressed.

My exposure to B-Programmer Westerns has been of the square-jawed performer with wooden acting; players chosen more for horseman chops than acting prowess.

Boyd flips that model. He’s a fine actor. His scenes in two-shots as other’s are emoting are a lesson in how reserve is often strength or charisma.

This is not to say that the film itself becomes elevated—no, it is still the same formulaic presentation.

It is Boyd himself who is worth watching and I can easily see why many a fan gravitated to the man on screen.

While not moved to view more of the Hopalong formula, I have profound respect for the man who played him on the screen.

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