I obviously hope that, if read, it is enjoyed, but I will warn that this ultra-grim vengeance tale ain't for all tastes. No feelings hurt if future chapters are duly ignored. Life can be too short to spend so much time with bad actors.
Chapter 1
Polybius was wrong.
At least in this instance. Merck knew his history, and
yet he was unable to avoid the ancient method of his own forced
castration. History was, indeed,
repeating itself. Repeating itself in a manner best left forgotten upon some
bloodied page. Merck’s knowledge of history was prodigious. The study came easy
to him. So easily, that at one time at his Professor’s urging, in some dusty
but comfortable office at a lesser-known institution of higher learning back East,
he considered resigning himself to a lifetime of academia. That consideration
had passed, along with his Professor’s recommendation (and approval), once
Merck's “alternate” studies came to light. Still, there was no denying his gift
for historical recall. It was this very gift that made his impending
reproductive endgame all the more excruciating.
It was his understanding of what was being done to him;
the hows, the whys, the method, the probability of survival, at every step of
the way, the precise recondite knowledge of historical minutia that made the
begged for blessing of a quick, if not easy death recede from his grasp. At
every phase of his damnably slow emasculation, it was his own informed insight
into what was being done to him that piqued some aspect of his curiosity, and
this oddly detached intellectual observer struggled to remain conscious. This
disembodied academic “third eye” allowed Merck to survive. That, and his now
primal desire, no, make that need, to seek vengeance upon those that
were doing this to him. Vengeance, a dime-novel sentiment, was not a word that
would ordinarily spring to Merck's mind so readily; but here, no less a word
would do.
Merck was to be castrated in the ancient Samaritan manner;
how this method manifested itself here in this scraggy expanse of the American
southwest he had not a clue. He wasn’t sure if his three torturers were aware
of the origin of their evil. Probably not. Serendipitous discovery? Parallel
cultural artifact? Instruction? Instruction from him?
slack expressions and a glimpse of the yellow sclera of one of the men’s eyes
who strung him up convinced him that they, as many in this region are, were
devotees of the poppy. Opium is a minor curiosity in this part of the globe, a
welcome adulteration to the sun-bleached grim sameness of daily life, a gift
from many unfortunate coolies. The three men, lackeys, nothing more, nothing
less, had dragged him from the root cellar where he had been kept for the past
five days, or was it six? He couldn’t remember. They threw him to the ground
and he could feel one of them fumbling with his belt. Fifth century castration
method did not come to his mind immediately.
“Oh, God,” he thought, “I'm going to be sodomized. Well,
we’re not far from Turkey.
“Where had that thought come from? Ah, Sir Richard Burton,
an idea from one of his many exploits into places that did not want him. Was it
his trip to the forbidden city of Mecca? Or perhaps...” He was drifting, he
realized. He fought to return to the now.
“Why?” he thought. “Why be awake for your own sodomy?”
At this point,
Merck was hoping sodomy was all that was on their minds. That, at least, was
survivable. Better than say, a rifle barrel roughly inserted into the anus as
had happened to another traveler in this area, or so he had heard from a
black-gummed cantina keeper outside Sonora. A rifle, a tree branch, a branding
iron up the fundament would tear tissue and that would no doubt lead to sepsis
as the contents of his colon invaded and consumed his own body from the inside
out. No, sodomy was the lesser evil.
He struggled to think, “Was opium smoked or injected?” If
he recalled correctly, it was smoked in this region.
His pants were torn away. He felt one of the men encircle
his now bare waist with a rope and tie it tightly in the manner of a belt. Now
the big one with the yellow eyes was grabbing at his genitals. He couldn't
quite fathom what the man was doing to him.
“Is he’s trying to stimulate me?” was the first surprised
thought that entered his mind.
He then saw the man produce a long coil of coarse rope;
the kind used to tether pack animals in this area. He made a loop at one end of
the rope and then framed Merck’s genitals with it.
“What is he doing?”
He felt the yellow-eyed man pluck at his genitals again
and then the loop tightened around them. The rough fiber bit into the flesh
around the upper base of his penis and looped around and underneath his
scrotum, thrusting his testicles through the loop and squeezing all together in
an unbearable bunching of fleshy pressure. The yellow-eyed man then stood and
placed a foot on Merck’s bladder to brace as he pulled at the other end of the
rope and tightened the coil. Merck was seized by overwhelming pain that
originated in his groin and streaked twin spikes of agony into his abdominal
cavity. It was too much; Merck vomited a paltry stew of stomach acids and
undigested weeds that he had consumed while confined to the cellar.
One of the men uttered something staccato in his language
which made the others laugh. Merck, stomach now empty, dry heaved bringing up
nothing but hot vile gases from a voided stomach. He tasted smoke, or did he
smell it? Either way, the smell combined with the pain was adding to his
nausea. The yellow-eyed man put the toe of his boot in his ribs and prodded him
over onto his stomach. His bodyweight falling upon his billowing genitals
launched another wave of dry heaves. His forced hyperventilation sucked chalky
alkaline dust into his mouth, coating his tongue and gums with a patina of
grit. He felt someone kneel onto his back. His left hand was grasped and
wrenched backward forcing his arm into a hammerlock position just short of
dislocating his shoulder.
“It would be that shoulder,” he thought, as the
piercing pain in his collarbone reminded him of the canyon fall that had
green-sticked his left clavicle years ago.
The pain in his shoulder was astounding but could not
match the agony in his groin. He could feel someone tie his left hand behind
his back to the belted rope around his nude waist. The knot was cinched tightly
enough around his wrist to make him open his eyes; he could see a small fire
had been made about twenty-feet from a long dead cottonwood tree.
“So, I did smell smoke,” he thought.
One of the men was
squatting next to the fire; he seemed to be prodding at it with a long stick or
poker. Merck then felt himself jerked roughly to his feet. If possible, the pressure
on his genitals was worse as gravity forced his blood downward in painful
pulsations. He dared a glance at himself, the distended bundle of flesh was
already turning a dangerous color of blue, spider-webbed with violet as
capillaries burst in his scrotum. Yellow-Eyes, using the rope leading to his
genitals as a leash, jerked him forward. Merck, nude from the waist down,
followed with stumbling steps attempting to keep some slack in the tether
attached to himself. The loose rocks on the arid scrabble that passes for
arable soil around here cutting his bare feet.
Yellow-Eyes stopped before the lone tree, glanced at a
stout limb approximately ten feet from the ground and then back at Merck.
Merck’s mind drifted again, this time to the thought that many believe that the
timbers of Christ’s cross were from the dogwood tree. Yellow-Eyes smiled, a
mostly toothless smile, and mewled something again in his language that drew
lascivious chortles from the others. He then threw the end of the rope over the
branch. He pulled at the now dangling end of the rope causing Merck to shuffle
forward until he was directly beneath the limb.
Yellow-Eyes then looked at Merck again. He was close this
time, and Merck could see the ulcers on his gums. Oval, pus-ringed sores with
blackened middles stippled his jaundiced-pink gums. Yellow-Eyes then drew a
long knife from a scabbard worn at the small of his back. He held the blade
inches before Merck’s face. The blade was undeniably sharp and meticulously
cared for. As a matter of fact, it was the cleanest thing Merck had seen since
coming here. It was so clean, it was almost beautiful. Yes, that was the word.
“What’s he going to do, slit my throat?” he thought. “At
least a carotid bleeding out would be somewhat quick.”
Yellow-Eyes grabbed Merck’s free right hand, pulled it to
his chest and then placed the knife in Merck’s palm. Yellow-Eyes closed Merck’s
fingers around the knife handle, looked into his eyes and blew him a kiss. It
was then that Merck knew exactly what was to happen to him.
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